One of the new window pans that has been fabricated.
Looking towards the rear of the lower deck.
Looking forward in the lower deck with the new stress panels.
The staircase has been stripped of it's paintwork.
Looking forward on the top deck showing the attention
to the flooring.
Looking towards the back on top deck showing the attention to the flooring.
A more detailed view looking towards the back on top
deck showing the attention to the flooring.
Looking at the paneling on the upper deck before it's
Some of notices that were on the coving panels are still in place.
After many years of little work due to other on going projects and our relocations, CPPTD's week day crew have started to make a significant difference to 189's appearance. A set of window pans have now been fabricated at considerable cost, they do look the part and after a number of attempts to get them just right. The lower deck is now starting to take shape, the lower deck ceiling panels have now been removed and the upper deck has now been cleared of rubbish. A number of rotted flooring timbers have now been removed from around the flooring on the upper deck, also allowing access to the cabling for the lighting and bell circuits of the lower deck.